New born baby of a refugee family & Sr Denise

World Refugee Day, June 20, 2018

At the same time as we salute the strength, courage and resilience of refugees around the globe. We note also the horrors asylum seekers experience in 2018:
  • The war and bombings in Syria and Yemen with children crying under the rubble.
  • The religious and ethnic persecution of the Rohingyas.
  • The capture and separation of children by the US on the Mexican border.
  • The holding of refugees offshore and stopping services in Australia.
  • Extreme poverty and starvation in parts of Africa.

With more than 68 million people displaced worldwide the call of Pope Francis to a shared response to welcome, protect, promote and integrate refugees and migrants is urgent.

Some good news stories of ordinary people sharing their resources to facilitate this call include:

  • Refugees educating one another in Lebanon, Chad, South Sudan and C.A.R:.
  • Resettled Rohingyas refugees advocating for those in the swamps of Bangladesh
  • Ordinary families in France and other places offering hospitality. in Cambodia
  • Refugees, injured in the Thai Camps of the eighties, travelling miles to help other people with disability in remote parts of Cambodia thirty five years later
  • A Buddhist social worker In Cambodia bringing a Pakistani Muslim mother to give birth.

World Refugee Day is a day that evokes our humanity and our compassion. It calls on our wisdom.

So in Cambodia we urge further action for documentation and path to citizenship for refugees and stateless people; for speedy access to just refugee status determination for asylum seekers: protection for migrant workers and the cessation of abusive trafficking.

For more information contact JRS Cambodia 012488950, 078337798 international.jrs.romecommunications@jrs.rome